Thursday, August 22, 2013


Increíbles promocioes para otoño e invierno!

Disfrute de hermosos días otoñales en Montreal mientras aprende inglés 
o francés con PALS. Por $5.000CAD(materiales e inscripción incluídos),
usted obtendrá 12 semanas de clase en inglés o francés (25 horas por 
semana), alojamiento en casa de familia más dos comidas.

Promoción otoño 2013
Promoción invierno 2013
Para el invierno ofrecemos también un excelente paquete. Por $2.500CAD, nuestro programa ofrece 4 semanas de inglés o francés intensivo, 80 horas de gramática, conversación y habilidades integradas, 12 horas de actividades y alojamiento en casa de familia.

Para más información y para realizar su inscripción, comuníquese con nosotros:


Monday, August 5, 2013

Pals of Canada fête aussi Fierté Montréal!

Pals of Canada fête aussi la semaine de fierté gaie de Montréal, en offrant de cours express pour nos visiteurs, formations de deux semaines, 20h d'anglais, français ou espagnol, cours de matin et après - midi!
$280, livre et taxes incluses!

On vous attend nombreux!
Registre: 514.419.8889

Les étudiants de français réussissent leur cours!

Pals of Canada et l'équipe d'enseignants de français félicitent nos chers élèves du cours de français 2 qui viennent de réussir leur formation!!!! Bonne continuation!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Festival des peuples autochtones à Montréal!

Un festival pour ne pas manquer chers élèves!

La présence autochtone dans notre pays Canada, et dans notre province Québec, est encore importante et sublime pour tous ce qui sommes en train de la connaître.
Cette année, il y aura d'invités de toute l'Amérique tant du nord, comme du centre et du sud.

Musique, gastronomie, films et plusieurs d'autres choses dans ce festival qui arrive pour nous étonner une autre fois!

Cordiale invitation à venir participer!

Monday, July 29, 2013

La classe de français dans l'exposition Secrets et Illusions à la Cinémathèque Québécoise!

Voici les photos de notre cours de français 2! Une exposition dans le coeur de Montréal à ne pas manquer! On a profité pour parler beaucoup de français!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Apprendre, améliorer, être mieux préparé! l'importance de maîtriser une deuxième langue!

La saison automne 2013 arrive bientôt, alors, pourquoi pas faire un cours court de deuxième langue qui vous permet d'améliorer vos compétences! PALS vous offre les meilleurs choix!

En anglais:
"English conversation and listening Comprehension" level 1, 2 and 3.

En Français:
"Cours de production et compréhension orale et/ou écrite" Niveau 1, 2, et 3.
"Cours d'expression écrite" Niveau 1, 2 et 3.
"Cours de français des affaires".
"Cours de français de l'hôtellerie et la restauration".
"Cours de français du tourisme".

Les meilleurs prix de Montréal! On vous attend si nombreux!

PALS of Canada 1100 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Suite #200
Tél: 514.419.8889

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Festival de jazz de Montréal, l'été bouge!

Festival de jazz de Montréal, l'anglais et le français bougent, tous mêlées dans cette belle métropole!

Cette année-là, on compte avec la présence du duo malien Amadou et Mariam, qui viennent fermer le festival et aussi pour nous présenter leur dernier album FOLILA.

Ainsi, on compte avec la participation de la chanteuse malienne Fatoumata Diawara, qui les accompagnera pendant le tour à faire au Québec.

Le rendez-vous, ce dimanche 7 juillet 2013, Scène TD de la place des festivals, 21h30.

Plus de raisons pour venir à Montréal? Venez nombreux! c'est le meilleur endroit pour passer les vacances, pour apprendre une nouvelle langue et pour faire beaucoup d'amis! 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Information Session

PALS of Canada and Martineau & Mindicanu invited you to an Information Session.
July 16 2013, 3.30pm Salle Côte St. Luc  at PALS School.

Immigration Services and languages courses.

Contacts and registration: 514.419.8889 and 514.360.3190

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

PALS OF CANADA celebra la fiesta de Independencia de Colombia

Compartiendo la alegria y entusiasmo de la fiesta de Independencia de Colombia, este próximo 14 de julio 2013, Pals of Canada hará presencia en el Parc Jean Drapeau, en el marco del evento Weekends du monde en Montreal.

Compartiremos con toda la comunidad latina nuestras promociones en materia de cursos de formación standard y cortos. Francés, inglés, portugués, incluso arabe!!! 

La cita es este 14 julio 2013, Parc Jean Drapeau, Stand Fiesta de la independencia de Colombia 2013, 11 am.

Con gusto los atendemos durante este evento!

PALS OF CANADA, 1100 Sherbrooke St. Suite #200 
Contact: 514.419.8889

Friday, June 21, 2013


Jazz in Montreal!
Come and learn with us, French, English, Spanish and more! 

Lots of new promotions! 
English and French part-time courses, starting at $270 for 20 hrs, book included.

Call us 514.419.8889!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Anglais intensif pour les enfants pendant cet été!

Un cours spécial d'anglais intensif pour les enfants entre les 8 ans et les 13 ans! Les classes débutent le mardi 2 juillet 2013!
Dès 9h jusqu'à 15h, un cours ludique, plein d'activités dans l'école et dehors! sorties, projets et plus dans le programme PALS of Canada Kids!

Inscriptions: 514.419.8889

Monday, June 17, 2013

Francofolies à Montréal

Finalement les Francofolies à Montréal!

L'été arrive et les activités de la belle saison aussi! Voici ce festival francophone qui fait la délice des grands et des petits!

Grâce à la variété de festivals et d'événements culturels, Montréal devient un destin touristique et académique incontournable! Une ville pleine de joie, de culture, bilingue et vibrante! 

Venez apprendre une autre langue avec nous, venez vivre le français et la francophonie! PALS OF CANADA vous attend!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Portugais pour la Coupe Mondiale 2014? Ben oui!

Un tout nouveau cours, si intéressant, vous êtes offert! 
Portugais pour aller au Brésil, à la coupe mondiale de Football 2014!

Cours de portugais et de civilisation brésilienne, une formule de 5 mois de formation pourra vous emmener où vous en avez besoin!

PALS OF CANADA, aqui et agora!

Inscriptions: 514.419.8889

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Francés de negocios

PALS OF CANADA ofrece su nuevo curso "Français des affaires"

Dirigido a todas las personas no francoparlantes. Este curso de nivel intermedio avanzado pretende ofrecer las herramientas necesarias para abordar el mundo de los negocios con un lenguaje acertado y pleno de seguridad.

1 mes y medio de clases + libro $350 

Las inscripciones están abiertas!
1100 Rue Sherbrooke Suite #200

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Cours gratuits d'anglais!

Salut tout le monde! Pals of Canada aura un PORTES OUVERTES pendant les deux prochaines semaines.

On aura une heure de cours d'anglais gratuit, par jour et par personne, dès le 10 juin 2013 jusqu'au 21 juin 2013.

Niveau débutant - intermédiaire, les lundis 10 juin et 17 juin 2013 et mercredis 12 et 19 juin, de 8h45 à 9h45 et de 14h15 jusqu'à 15h15.
Niveau intermédiaire - avancé, mardis 11 et 18 juin et jeudi 13 et 20 juin 2013, même horaire.

On vous attend si nombreux!

Inscriptions: message privé ici au Facebook ou au 514.419.8889
1100 rue Sherbrooke, suite #200

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Our school! Notre école! Nuestra escuela!

Los invitamos a conocer nuestras instalaciones! Y una parte de nuestro equipo de trabajo!
PALS 2013!


06 juin 2013 - 09 juin 2013

La rue Peel à Montréal se transformera en véritable lieu de culte du Grand Prix du Canada alors que l'événement Peel Paddock fera vivre des sensations fortes aux amateurs de F1, et ce, dans un cadre des plus luxueux! Au programme? Voitures de luxe, écrans géants, gastronomie, etc. Venez profiter de ce moment de détente pour visiter les instalations de notre école et connaitre nos programmes de formation en langues! L'adresse de notre école?, eh bien, 1100 Rue Sherbrooke, coin avec la rue Peel, Suite #200. On vous attend si nombreux!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Apprendre, profiter du temps, s'amuser....

Quelques nouveaux cours!

Les vacances arrivent et le temps libre nous permet de profiter de plusieurs activités! pourquoi pas prendre en cours de perfectionnement en français? voici quelques uns!

  • Compréhension et production orale en français, 1 mois de cours avec le livre inclut $270!
  • Expression écrite en français, tous les niveaux, 1 mois de cours avec le livre inclut $350
  • Compréhension écrite en français, tous les niveaux, 1 mois de cours avec le livre inclut $350
Les inscriptions sont ouvertes! appelez maintenant au 514.419.8889! 

Monday, May 6, 2013

El verano está en el aire

Por fin, se siente el verano

El aire frío respira su último aliento... el sol está brillando y no se detendrá hasta octubre. Montreal es una de las ciudades más impresionantes del mundo y no estoy diciendo esto porque soy una patriota que ama la ciudad de Montreal, digo esto porque es cierto. Montreal es el hogar de algunas de las fiestas más divertidas, restaurantes de renombre internacional, mercados al libre y el famoso ambiente nocturno.

Una de las mejores partes de todo esto es que se puede disfrutar de esta ciudad y todo lo que tiene que ofrecer sin costo alguno. Las fiestas se celebran al aire libre, las calles están cerradas y la música resuena por las calles del centro  - cualquier persona puede disfrutar del festival de jazz, o las ferias callejeras de la Fórmula Uno, simplemente dande un paseo al aire libre. Los museos tienen días libres y hay muchos eventos de degustación al aire libre - qué otra ciudad tiene todo esto?

Además de todas estas fiestas y eventos, también tenemos parques increíbles y actividades culturales durante todo el día todos los días. Los Tam Tams son un favorito personal, he estado yendo a los Tam Tams todos los domingos de mi vida desde que era una adolescente. Usted puede traer un picnic y relajarse en una manta, escuchar tambores de bongo, danza alrededor, leer, escribir, jugar backgammon, lo que sea que le apetezca, y la mejor parte es que es gratis y espectacular. Justo al otro lado de la calle está el parque Milton, lleno de fútbol, voleibol, tenis y actividades culturales (festivales peruanos, día Uruguay, fiestas indias y más).

  Ven a ver por ti mismo lo que Montreal tiene para ofrecerte - no querrás regresarte a casa ;)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Summer's in the Air

OH! It finally feels like summer!

The cold air has breathed its last breath... the sun is shining and it won't stop until October!

Montreal is one of the most amazing cities in the world, and I am not just saying that because I am a patriotic Montreal-loving city girl, I am saying this because it couldn't be more true. Montreal is home to some of the most entertaining festivals, internationally renowned restaurants, outdoor markets,
and world-famous nightlife. One of the best parts of all of this is that you can enjoy this city and all it has to offer for no cost at all! The festivals are held outdoors, streets are blocked off and the music blares down the downtown streets - anyone can enjoy the jazz festival, or grand prix street fairs simply by taking a stroll outside.

The museums have free days and restaurants hold outdoor tasting events - I mean, what other city has all of this!?

On top of all of these festivals and events, we also have amazing parks and cultural activities all day every day. The Tam Tams are a personal favourite, I have been going to the Tam Tams mountain every Sunday of my life since I was a teenager. You can bring a picnic and just relax on a blanket and listen to bongo drums, dance around, read, write, play backgammon, whatever it is that tickles your fancy, and the best part is that it is free and it is spectacular. Right across the street is the milton park, filled with soccer (football), volleyball, tennis and cultural activities (Peruvian festivals, Uruguay day, Indian feasts...).

Come see for yourself what Montreal has to offer - you won't ever want to go back home ;)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Dangers of Translating

I don't think English speakers realize just how much of our language is made up of idioms, idiomatic expressions, phrases and proverbs.

The reason I mention this is because, if you spend some time listening to native English speakers talking together, you will notice how very little of their conversation is discernible to the second language learner. And oh boy, if you try to translate some of the stuff being tossed around, you will be more than just a little confused.

Here are some examples that are super common in English but sound absurd in Spanish if translated literally:

1. My all-time favorite - "It's raining cats and dogs"(to rain heavily)

If translated literally, this expression would be: llover peros y gatos. To actually rain cats and dogs is absolutely impossible. it's kind of like when us English speakers say, "When pigs fly," which doesn't literally mean when you see a pig flying, it simply mean that you would never do what it is that the other person mentioned.

The real translation for raining heavily is: llover a cántaros (raining in jugs or buckets)

2. "A friend in need is a friend indeed" (someone who helps you in your time of need is your true friend)
The literal translation: Un amigo que necesita algo es un amigo por cierto

This translation makes absolutely no sense and does not have the same meaning as it's English counterpart... at all! I mean the English saying says that a true friend is someone who helps you when you are in need, while the Spanish translation means that if you need something then you are a good friend. Um, no! That wouldn't make you a good friend in my books, that just makes you needy!

The real translation: En el peligro se conoce el amigo (which would translate to: In danger a friend is met)

3. The final saying for today is: "You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours." (you help me out, I'll help you out)
I guess if you translated this literally, it could kind of mean the same thing, but it would really be a stretch/long shot, or in laymen's terms, it just wouldn't work. "Tu rascas a mi espalda y yo te la rascas a tí."
This literal Spanish translation involves a physical back scratching and not the figurative "back scratching" that is connoted in English. So if you said, "tu rascas a mi espalda y yo te la rascas a tí" to someone in Spanish, they might literally start scratching your back... this of course, would be strange.

The real translation: Hoy por mí, mañana por tí. (today for me, tomorrow for you - kind of like that song from the Broadway musical Rent!)

The lesson to be learnt here: English isn't a face-value kind of language, it's tricky and ambiguous and although it wasn't created to trip people up, it definitely leaves people splat on the floor more often than not... What can you do to ensure proper use of English sayings? Instead of learning English relying on the translation method, try the communicative approach.

To learn more about the communicative approach, check out our website:

To learn more idiomatic expression, come study with us at PALS!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Road Signs Gone Wrong

I've been thinking about mistakes that are made in English and how they are tiresome to hear after having been corrected so many times. I was also thinking about signs that go up without being so much as glanced over for mistakes. Who puts up a sign without proofreading it first? Especially if this sign has just one word and will be read by many, many, many people!

These are mistakes that could've easily been avoided, I mean really!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Fun Valentine's Day Pictures

Some of the ladies at PALS

Little Valentine's Day elves hard at work 

English Teachers

Feels like a party at PALS!

Valentine's Day smile :)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Acronym Mania!

So I know that acronyms took over the world many moons ago, but holy moly, it isn't just acronyms anymore. I don't think I have heard a full word be used by a person 25 years old or younger in a really long time.

When I have conversations with young adults, I always feel as though my brain isn't working fast enough. Back in my day, we used words like psych, sketch, say what?, jinx, coolio, and other words of the like, but now it's just every word has a different meaning than it's literal meaning and no word is longer than one to two syllables.

Here is what I mean:

Girl 1: Hey G!

Girl 2: Sup girl?

Girl 1: Did you eat breaky yet?

Girl 2: Neh, I'm getting a mani/pedi. Where you going?

Girl 1: On Sherbs and Mez to a delish resto. You sure you don't want in?

Girl 2: Yeah, totes, I have a quick sesh after my mani with a tutes, I don't think I'll have time. But have fun!

Girl 1: Tks. LU!

Girl 2: Ditto! *

Ok, so I don't think this conversation is the hardest to decipher, but it if English isn't your first language, then this dialogue could actually look and sound like anything but English! So hard to follow, one might just stop listening - quite honestly, sometimes I'm not sure if these people are in such a rush that they don't have time to finish their words, or if they just couldn't be bothered.

Either way, so goes the evolution (or devolution) of the English language.

What follows is the conversation between Girl 1 and Girl 2 in plain English:

Girl 1: Hey Gigi!

Girl 2: What's up girl?

Girl 1: Did you eat breakfast yet?

Girl 2: No, I'm getting a manicure and pedicure. Where are you going?

Girl 1: On Sherbrooke and de Maisonneuve to a delicious restaurant. Are you sure you don't want to come?

Girl 2: Yeah, totally, I have a quick session after my manicure with a tutor, I don't think I'll have time. But have fun!

Girl 1: Thank you. Love you!

Girl 2: I love you too! *

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

So many Mistakes, So Little Time

I have mentioned before in this blog that English is one of the easiest languages to learn, yet the hardest to master. Well, that is true in so many ways.

The mistakes made by ESL students are plenty, yet they are basic mistakes of sentence structure, pronunciation and tense-verb accordance.  These errors are expected and easily corrected. However, listening to my friends and family speaking English, I have observed many common mistakes made by native English speakers; mistakes not as easily corrected because they are ingrained in their way of speaking and therefore harder to change.

Here are some common mistakes that native English speakers commit on the daily. As a grammar teacher and language lover, these mistakes make me cringe. Most of the time, I stop my friend mid-sentence to correct them and offer them the proper alternative (an interruption not-so-welcome).

Common offenses:

1. BOUGHTEN is not a word. It is BOUGHT. Bought is the past and past participle of TO BUY.

The incorrect boughten is usually used in the past perfect: I had boughten that for a friend. I think the reason people make this mistake is because it is common to add the -en ending to the past participle, and since bought is correct in the past, it only makes sense... well, it's wrong either way!

2. BRANG is not a word. I understand that a lot of kindergarten and elementary school kids use this word, but come on adults! The correct word is BROUGHT! Brought is the past and past participle of TO BRING.

Here it is also easy to see why English speakers would think that brang is the natural past or past participle of brought. First and foremost, they were never corrected as kids. Second and most importantly, there are many verbs in the English language that make the change from -in (root) to -an (past) to -un (past participle). For example, TO DRINK: drink, drank, drunk (not drunken, by the way). So, TO BRING is confused with a verb like drink, but that's no excuse for this mistake.

3. The use of the conditional in English goes unnoticed by many native English speakers. We know what we mean to say and that it is hypothetical or that one thing depends on the other thing happening (hence, conditional), but we aren't aware of the tense change. And so, the common mistake of saying: "If I was you, I wouldn't do that," is made all too often.

The Second Conditional is used to talk about impossible or unlikely situations, or to give advice (note that the choice to use the first or second conditional depends on the speakers attitude toward whether or not the situation is likely to happen). I could never be you, but for the sake of the argument, I can say

If I were you, then (here we use might, would, could) go to the park.

The use of the past was is never used in the second conditional with I / HE / SHE / IT, however, there are few native speakers who know this. Interestingly enough, almost all ESL students learn and master this simple rule.

4. This next mistake is huge and is taking over the world! It's killing me slowly and I am trying my hardest to put a stop to it, but i am only one person at the end of the day. What am I talking about? Adverbs! Why doesn't anyone know how to properly use an adverb any more.

Here are a few examples of what I mean:

You cooked amazing tonight!
Oh I love that car, I want it real bad!
That test was real hard.

These are a few amongst many mistakes made daily when using an adverb. So, what is an adverb? An adverb in its simplest form is can be identified as the word in the sentence that modifies verbs, clauses and other adverbs. It is used to give us more information. Chiefly, adverbs can be identified by their -ly ending. Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't see any -ly endings in the examples above!

So how would we correct the sentences used in our examples. Well, first decide if you want to use an adjective or an adverb to elaborate on your feelings.

Your cooking was amazing tonight. (adjective). You cooked amazingly tonight (adverb).

Oh I love that car, I want it so (very) badly (adverb). Oh I love that car, it is a really bad car (this sentence doesn't make sense, but at least it is grammatically correct).

That test was really hard (adverb modifying the adjective).

Oh and last but not least, GOOD is not an adverb. So, when someone asks you how you are doing, you cannot reply that you are doing good. You are either well or fine, even great, but never are you ever good.

There are way more mistakes that I stop and correct on the daily. Like stop to and stopping to. Oh man, that one really confuses me when used improperly. But, for the sake of this blog, let's leave things as they are and yes, you guessed it, I'll be back with more corrections.


Your PALS in Canada.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Una experiencia inolvidable!

Cada persona tiene su experiencia individual en términos de aprendizaje, viaje, cultura y vivir en el extranjero. Aquí puede leer el testimonio de Mariangelica, quien forma parte del equipo de PALS of Canada. Disfrútense!

Tomé la decisión de irme a estudiar inglés fuera de Venezuela, porque aunque había estudiado inglés en el colegio y luego  había hecho un curso en un instituto privado, sentía que me faltaba mucho por aprender. Así que comencé a buscar opciones y decidí irme a Inglaterra.

Lo primero que hice en Londres fue tomar el metro (el tube), para aprender como movilizarme. Recuerdo que el día antes de comenzar clases hice el recorrido desde la que sería mi casa hasta el instituto, para ver cuánto tiempo me tomaría el recorrido y saber dónde estaba la escuela.

Los primeros días fueron algo estresante, todo nuevo, país, idioma, gente, casa y yo sentía que no entendía nada, pero poco a poco me fui familiarizando. La señora de la casa donde me alojaba siempre fue muy amable conmigo, veíamos televisión juntas, hablábamos de diferentes temas, en realidad al comienzo ella hablaba y yo respondía con monosílabos, porque ya podía sostener conversaciones con ella. Nos íbamos de paseo y de compras juntas, y como ella conocía muy bien la ciudad siempre me llevaba a los mejores lugares.

Mis compañeros de clases eran de diferentes países. Taiwán, Bruselas, Italia, Alemania, ninguno hablaba español, así que sólo podíamos hablar en inglés. La escuela organizaba diferentes actividades fuera de clases, como ir a museos, discotecas, parques y yo me apuntaba en todas! Así conocí a otros estudiantes de otros niveles.

Es una de las mejores decisiones que he tomado en mi vida, no sólo aprendí un nuevo idioma, sino que hice amigos y conocí lugares increíbles. A raíz de esta experiencia seguí viajando y años más tarde cuando decidí  inmigrar a Canadá me sirvió para la aplicación, y ya en Montreal comencé a estudiar otro idioma, francés. Hoy en día en esta ciudad me desenvuelvo en ambos idiomas, tanto en mi trabajo como en la vida diaria.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Has Sprung!

The last of the winter storms have passed... spring is on its way!

As the snow melts, Montreal becomes a haven for stylish street trends, terrace hang outs, music, dance, an enviable night life, and much more. Spring welcomes bustling sidewalks, open bike paths and eager Montrealers taking advantage of warm Sunday afternoons to sit in our lush and festive parks.

Most people know about our world-renowned festive-filled summer, but for some reason spring doesn't get the same attention. And what a shame, because it is my favorite season of the year.

I love looking out my window and watching the snow melt in March. I enjoy seeing how people brave the still-cold days with nothing but a sweater on inn hopes that April is warmer than it truly is. But mostly, I love getting all bundled up, sitting outside on a terrace for hours hanging out with friends watching new life form as the trees fill out and the flowers bloom.

Spring is a time of renewal; after a long cold winter, we Montrealers sure do know how to take advantage of the months to come.

If you are thinking of visiting Montreal, but are waiting for the summer... don't! Spring has so much to offer, you really don't want to miss out ;)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

¿Cuánto tiempo me tomará aprender inglés?

Esta pregunta nos la hacen todo el tiempo en PALS, y honestamente no hay una respuesta concreta.

Lo primero es que cada alumno es diferente. La velocidad a la que cada uno aprende es distinta, variala cantidad de tiempo y la práctica, además de la capacidad para recordar información nueva, la cual varia en cada individuo.

Si además a esto la añadimos la motivación, que juega un papel clave en el aprendizaje de idiomas, vemos lo difícil que es responder a esta pregunta.

Aquí les dejamos algunos puntos a tener en cuenta:

  • La escuela sólo puede proporcionarte alrededor del 30% del aprendizaje, el resto depende de ti. ¿Cuánta tarea haces?, ¿cuántas horas le dedicas al estudio?, ¿estás escuchando música, viendo televisión, leyendo y hablando en inglés fuera de clases?

  • Inmersión. Sumergirte en el nuevo idioma y en su cultura es muy importante. Usa lo que aprendas en la escuela lo antes posible. Una situación de la vida real es a veces la mejor manera de hacer un esfuerzo para empezar a hablar. Hazte amigo de alguien que solo hable inglés. Trata de comunicarte con esa persona, al principio podrá parecerte difícil, pero la comunicación se desarrollará entre los dos y en poco tiempo estarás hablando!

Inglés es uno de los idiomas más fáciles de aprender, aunque difícil de dominar. Si deseas hablar inglés con la motivación de tener una conversación con personas de habla inglesa, podríamos estimar aproximadamente 3 meses de inmersión total para alcanzar tu meta. Sin embargo, si tu objetivo es académico o profesional, entender a los demás y ser entendido por los demás no será suficiente. Tendrás que ser capaz de leer, escribir y entender todos los matices del lenguaje (modismos, expresiones y más). Esto puede tomar de 6 meses a más (ten en cuenta que es un aproximado).

La mejor manera de saber cuánto tiempo le llevará a aprender inglés, es inscribirte en un curso y empezar a aprender! Te puedo garantizar una cosa: solo mejorarás.

¿Y a ti, cuánto tiempo te tomó aprender inglés? Déjanos un comentario y comparte tu historia :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

How long will it take me to learn English?

We get asked this question all the time at PALS, and quite honestly there is no clear-cut answer.

First things first, every learner is different. The rate at which you learn is different, the amount of time and practice each individual puts in varies and everyone's memory or capacity to remember new information is distinct. 

Couple that with the fact that motivation can play a key role in language learning and you can see how difficult it is to answer the question dead on.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • School can only provide you with about 30% of the learning; the rest is up to you at home. How much homework will you get done? How many hours will you dedicate to studying? Are you listening to English music, watching English television, reading English books and talking to people in English?

  • Immersion. Immersing yourself in the language and culture of your target language (being English) is super important. Use what you learn at school as often as possible. A real-life situation is sometimes the best way to force yourself to start speaking. Become friends with someone who doesn't speak anything other than English. Now try to communicate with that person... it might seem hard at first, but communication will naturally develop between the two of you and you'll be speaking in no time!

English is one of the easiest languages to learn; hardest to master. Now, don't quote me on this, but I would stand by this statement pretty firmly if I had to. If you want to speak English with the motivation of having a conversation with other English speakers, then I think it would be safe to estimate about 3 months of full immersion to get you to your goal. However, if your goal is a little more academically or professionally driven, then understanding others and being understood by others will not suffice. You will want to be able to read, write and understand all the subtle nuances of the language (fully loaded with idioms, expressions and much more). This can take anywhere from 6 months + (keeping in mind that these are averages).

The best way to find out how long it will take you to learn English, is to sign up for a class and start learning! I can guarantee you one thing for certain: you can only improve!!!

How long did it take you to learn English? Leave a comment and share your story with us :)

Salão do Estudante

Hi All!!

We are on our way to Brazil to visit some of our old students and recruit some new ones!

Come visit the PALS of Canada booth at the Salão do Estudante in São Paulo the 16th and 17th of March.

We'll teach you about our school, programs and wonderful city of Montreal :)

See you there!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013

What is school? ¿Qué es una escuela?

Everyone has their definition of what school means to them. There is obviously the global and accepted meaning of the term, being an institution where a particular discipline is taught, or where instruction is given on ideas, methods and skills.

Basically, school is an educational facility, right?

Well, PALS of Canada is in theory no different than every other school in that broad sense of the term. But, where we differ is in the experience we impart and the culture we highlight. Everyday is a chance to not only learn or improve upon your language skill, but it is also a dat that activities are shared, friendships are formed and memories are made.

PALS of Canada doesn't just teach you a new language; we help you live it!

Cada quien tiene su definición de escuela. Existe una definición global y aceptada por todos de este término, una institución donde se enseña una disciplina en particular, o donde la instrucción se da a través de métodos, ideas y habilidades.

En pocas palabras, una escuela es un centro educativo, ¿cierto?

PALS of Canada es igual a otra escuela en el amplio sentido del término. Pero se diferencia en la experiencia que brinda y la forma como destaca la cultura. Cada día es una nueva oportunidad no sólo para aprender o mejorar el conocimiento que se tiene de un idioma, sino también es un día para compartir actividades, hacer amigos y atesorar recuerdos.

PALS of Canada no sólo te enseñamos un nuevo idioma, ¡te ayudamos a vivirlo!